Saturday, October 24, 2009
Senate Bill 510: The $825 Million Dollar Folly
courtesy of NOW Foods
Are you a backyard grower of heirloom tomatoes you sell on your own property or at a local farmer’s market? If so, you will be in for a whopper of a surprise if Senator Durbin’s Senate Bill 510 (S.B. 510) passes: you may be receiving a visit from inspectors.
Products not grown according to designated standards will be considered adulterated and your business records will be subject to warrantless searches by inspectors from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), all this without any evidence that you have violated any law.
Wonder why the National Guard or Federal agents have effectively imposed martial law by quarantining your town? Under S.B. 510’s House counterpart bill, H.R. 2749 (Section 133b, “Authority to Prohibit or Restrict the Movement of Food”), sponsored by Congressman Dingell, the Secretary of Health and Human Services will have the power to prohibit all movement of all food within a geographic area, whether the food is in your grandmother’s grocery bag in her Toyota Hybrid or on a flatbed. No court order will be needed, just a phone call to the appropriate state official and a public announcement will be sufficient.
Upset that raw milk or raw milk cheeses (like feta) are no longer available in the U.S.? This could well happen thanks to the “performance standards” powers that would be granted to the FDA by S.B. 510, especially since the agency has made it clear that it is vehemently opposed to the consumption of raw milk products.
Amazed that U.S. food safety regulations strangely match those of other countries? Well, Section 306 of S.B. 510 would require “Recommendations to harmonize requirements under the Codex Alimentarius.”
And what about food supplement manufacturers, suppliers, distributors and health food stores? Will they be ensnared in this bill’s draconian, 1984-esque net? Very possibly so.
This all may seem far-fetched, but theoretically, this new law would give the government all this authority.
S.B. 510 (which would cost Americans $825 million in 2010 alone) and the House of Representatives version of this bill, H.R. 2749, which did pass under suspended rules, do not address the root causes of the U.S.'s food safety problems, which were highlighted in both a recent campaign by the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) and by a letter to 99 U.S. senators by the Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund (R-CALF USA).
According to Citizens for Health (, if this proposed law is enacted it would:
• Undermine DSHEA and move the U.S. one step closer to harmonizing our standards under Codex with those of supplement-restrictive regimes like the European Union. (DSHEA, or the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, asserts that supplements are food and are safe for consumption unless proven otherwise – ensuring that millions of Americans are able to enjoy access to safe, effective and affordable dietary supplements).
• Give the FDA unprecedented control over farms and direct-to-consumer distributors. If passed, the bills would charge facilities an annual $500 registration fee, require additional record keeping, and expand FDA authority to quarantine geographic areas for alleged food safety problems – all without significantly improving food safety.
• Cost U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars ($825 million in 2010 alone) while providing fewer physical inspections and less food safety overall.
• Harm U.S. organic farmers by imposing overlapping regulations.
• Hurt food supplements and health-food stores by imposing standards that are already covered by the AER (Adverse Event Reporting) Law, cGMPs (current Good Manufacturing Practices) and food facility registration.
• Cripple local food co-ops, farm stands, independent ranchers and artisanal food producers by imposing unnecessary standards and unfair bureaucratic burdens.
Clearly, S. 510, while purporting to increase food safety would actually leave consumers more vulnerable to foodborne disease since the FDA would be required to use a risky, risk-based food safety system rather than doing old-fashioned, effective physical, on-site inspections in plants, factory farms and slaughterhouses, where the actual food safety concerns are.
Furthermore, the U.S. has abrogated its duty to inspect and enforce food safety standards, both here and abroad, by allowing processing plants to regulate themselves under a failed system; and it has embraced policies that have driven independent U.S. farmers and ranchers out of business and replaced them with corporate-owned, industrialized food production units that are known to cut food safety corners to maximize corporate profits.
So what do we need to do?
Click here for an opportunity to send a letter opposing S.B. 510 as it is currently written.
Gormley Take Away: As of this writing, our nation is over $11.8 trillion in debt. Let’s not add $825 million more (actually several trillion dollar over the next few years) for a bureaucratic monster to be foisted upon an already deeply flawed U.S. food-safety system. S.B. 510 is sadly, and ironically, not about food safety, although I wish it were. It’s about food madness, pure and simple, and it must be fixed … or stopped.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Swine Flu: What To Do?
Summer is over and the question I am being asked most frequently in my practice is, “what do I do about Swine flu?” My patients are wondering whether or not they should get vaccinated and the simple answer I give most of the time is ..NO!
From what you may have read, you might think that the swine flu vaccine is the answer to swine flu. Unfortunately this is not true and until we know that the vaccine is safe, I cannot in good conscience recommend it to most of my patients.
From the outset, let me say, I am not anti all vaccinations, rather I am pro vaccine safety and freedom of choice.
This is why am I not recommending the swine flu vaccine:
1) At this stage, for the most part the swine flu seems benign.
Over a million people in the US have already come down with swine flu, many of them without even knowing that they had it. The vast majority of people who get the swine flu recover after a week or so of high fever, aches, and respiratory distress. It’s not pleasant, but except in rare circumstances, it is not fatal. Most people who’ve been infected by swine flu think so little of it, they believe they just had a really bad cold or a regular flu. So unless the swine flu evolves to a much more virulent form, there’s no need for mass vaccination
2) We don’t know if the vaccine will be effective.
Vaccines are only useful against the specific viral strain that was available at the time of their manufacture. But influenza viruses mutate quickly, and as the WHO has already said, the real concern with H1N1 swine flu is that it will combine with seasonal flu in the Fall, creating a new strain that will of course be immune to all available vaccines.
3) We don’t know if the vaccine is safe.
The FDA has authorized an expedited approval process for the swine flu vaccine but we don’t know yet if it is safe. Even GlaxoSmithKline, one of the vaccine manufacturers has said, “The total population studied in clinical trials will be limited, due to the need to provide the vaccine to governments as quickly as possible. Additional studies will therefore be required and conducted after the vaccine is made available.”
In other words, the only thing that is safe, is to say that no one knows. Since it’s never been used before and they have not had time to conduct any sufficient human testing, by getting vaccinated you are being a human guinea pig.
4) Vaccine manufacturers have been insulated from liability by the government.
The Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sibelius has granted legal immunity not only to the makers of the 2 drugs being used to treat swine flu, Tamiflu and Relenza, but also to the swine flu vaccine makers, for damages due to their use against swine flu. By effectively manipulating the legal system, the Pharmaceutical Industry through their powerful lobbyists have acquired almost complete and total insulation from any liability for their vaccines and adjuvants, which are additives added to generate a stronger immune response. It is believed that it is these adjuvants which often cause the problems. The last time the government embarked on a major vaccine campaign against a new swine flu was in 1976. Thousands filed claims for side effects such as paralysis caused by the vaccine and a number of people died. I am sure that the researchers know more now than they did last time and no one can say for certain that bad things will happen again or that you will suffer dire consequences if you get vaccinated. But this time you have no legal recourse even though this vaccine involves new factors, which makes it therefore experimental and unpredictable.
By shielding the manufacturers from any responsibility for any harm caused, the pharmaceutical firms have no financial incentive to make the safest product. In fact, they have a negative incentive to test it for safety, because if they are aware of problems, then they could potentially be held liable for willful misconduct.
Instead I advise my patients to build up and strengthen their immune systems to prevent viral infections.
Here are my top 10 recommendations:
1) Optimize your vitamin D levels.
Adequate levels of Vitamin D are essential for our immune systems to function optimally. Unfortunately there are no significant dietary sources of Vitamin D, most of our intake comes from exposure to sunlight. If you live far from the equator, you simply don’t get enough sun through Fall and Winter to make all the vitamin D you need. So unless you supplement during this period, your innate immunity will be compromised. Vitamin D plays such a crucial role in so many aspects of your body’s functioning, that supplementing with it makes sense whether you decide to get the flu shot or not.
We know that influenza always gets worse during the winter months. Now there is good evidence to suggest that this is because as sunlight hours lessen during the winter, the people living in the northern hemisphere become vitamin D deficient and are susceptible to influenza infections of all kinds. Here’s a great article available at NIH pertaining to this topic.
There is also some evidence that supplementation with a sufficient amount of vitamin D can help to prevent the onset of a flu or cold.
The current recommendations from the Food and Nutrition Board of the U.S. Institute of Medicine: from 200 to 600 IU/day depending on one’s age, are way too low. These values were originally chosen because they were found to prevent osteomalacia (bone softening) and rickets. It is now recognized that vitamin D has many additional physiological functions, for which these levels are totally inadequate. A number of scientists are therefore calling for the Food and Nutrition Board in the U.S. and its counterparts abroad to reassess their current recommendations.
To optimize your vit D levels, you will need to:
* Take at least 2,000 IU of a Vitamin D3 supplement daily.
* Get your 25 hydroxy Vitamin D level checked by your doctor (if that is not an option, you can self test your level with ZRT labs)
Although the current normal range is between 20 and 50ng/ml, this is much too low for optimal health. You want your level to be between 50 and 70ng/ml. This is the most important step you can take to prevent the flu!! It may require a number of months taking 5,000 to 10,000 IU of Vit D3 daily (especially during winter) under a doctor’s supervision, to optimize your blood level. Monitor your 25 hydroxy vitamin D status every 3 months until you are in the optimal range, then cut back to a maintenance dose of at least 2,000 IU a day.
2) Get adequate sleep, this is an indispensable requirement for a strong immune system.
3) Get adequate exercise, this keeps you robust.
4) Take actions to lower your stress levels.
Do breathing exercises, meditate, practice yoga, spend time doing something that makes you happy. Feeling spent, overwhelmed, and/or mentally run down has a causal relationship to your physical health.
5) Wash your hands frequently but not excessively.
It decreases your likelihood of spreading a virus to your nose, mouth or other people. Be sure you don’t use antibacterial soap because of the risk of creating resistant bacteria. Rather use a simple chemical-free soap.
6) Avoid sugar and processed foods as they decrease your immune function dramatically.
7) Eat phytonutrient rich meals (lots of colorful salads and dark greens)
8 ) Eat lots of garlic, it works as a broad spectrum antibiotic.
9) Take a probiotic daily (look for one with 10-20 billion organisms). A strong immune system relies heavily on having a strong foundation in the gut.
10) Keep a supply of antiviral herbal supplements on hand.
As opposed to antiviral drugs, antiviral herbs do not cause resistant strains because they are multifaceted and contain literally thousands of different medicinal compounds. Thus they are able to attack viruses with a full spectrum of synergistic substances. Andrographis, olive leaf extract, grapefruit seed extract and elderberry extract, all have antiviral properties. Use one or a combination of some of them as a prophylactic measure, for ex.whenever you travel (airports) or enter a potentially compromised environment such as a large office, auditorium, stadium, theater etc.
And if you really want to go all out, here are 4 more tips:
11) Take 1-2 grams (1,000-2,000 mg) of fish oils daily, its beneficial for immune function.
12) Take 2 grams (2,000 mg) of Vitamin C daily, yes it does help.
13) Stock your home pharmacy with an immune building formula. Look for one that contains Cordyceps and Astragulus. Take it throughout the flu season.
14) Keep homeopathic Oscillococcinum on hand
Take it at the earliest sign of a cold or flu. Early intervention is essential. If you are exposed to someone with the flu directly, you can take one dose twice a day for two days. You can also take one vial once a week throughout the winter, and two or three times a week during flu season, as a preventative measure.
Frank Lipman MD, is the founder and director of the Eleven Eleven Wellness Center in NYC a center whose emphasis is on preventive health care and patient education. His personal blend of Western and Eastern Medicine combined with the many other complimentary modalities he has studied, has helped thousands of people recover their energy and zest for life. He is the author of the recent SPENT: End Exhaustion and Feel Great Again (2009) and Total Renewal: 7 Key Steps to Resilience, Vitality and Long-Term Health (2003).
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Lawmaking and the GAO Report: A Dose of Reality
At the end of 2007, the U.S. dietary supplement industry recorded sales of $23.7 billion, according to Nutrition Business Journal. With roughly 33,000 dietary supplements on the U.S. market, it’s no surprise that with today’s nutritionally challenged diet there were 192 million Americans using supplements in 2007, a number that is expected to keep growing.
In addition to wanting to provide a basic nutritional “insurance policy” offered by a multivitamin, people take nutritional supplements for a variety of health-promoting reasons. In a 2000 survey conducted by Yankelovich Partners and commissioned by the Natural Products Association (NPA), seven out of 10 Americans take supplements because they make them feel better.
With the December 22nd, 2006, enactment of the Dietary Supplement and Nonprescription Drug Consumer Protection Act (often called the Serious Adverse Event Reporting [SAER] Law) and the August 24, 2007 implementation of the final rule on Current Good Manufacturing Practices (often called the cGMPs of federal GMPs, 21 CFR Part 111) — along with complementary and innovative industry self-regulatory programs—consumers have arguably never been better protected.
Not so, says a new report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), entitled Dietary Supplements: FDA Should Take Further Actions to Improve Oversight and Consumer Understanding.
Broadly, the GAO report recommends: “…that the Secretary of Health and Human Services direct the Commissioner of the FDA to request additional authority to oversee dietary supplements, issue guidance on new dietary ingredients and to clarify the boundary between dietary supplements and foods with added dietary ingredients, and take steps to improve consumer understanding of dietary supplements.”
“I am troubled that the FDA lacks the basic information necessary to protect consumers from unsafe dietary supplements […] The FDA clearly needs more resources to give consumers real protection,” announced Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-CA) upon release of the report.
His colleague, Rep. John D. Dingell (D-MI), added: “FDA needs the resources and adequate authorities [sic] so the agency can start addressing this problem.”
Among the report’s many conclusions, the GAO notably recommends that the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) “direct[s] the [FDA] Commissioner” to require dietary supplement companies to “report all adverse events related to dietary supplements.”
The SAER Law already well protects consumers and has already demonstrated its ability to provide a signal to the FDA for action. The number of serious adverse event reports is in the hundreds, as compared to the hundreds of thousands of deaths and millions of serious adverse events for drugs and foods.
Why then would the GAO report require the reporting of all dietary supplement adverse events when this is not required for foods or drugs? This simply does not make any sense.
On top of this, the FDA itself doesn’t even think this makes sense. In its response to the report, the FDA wrote: “[…] it is not clear that all the information would actually enhance product safety.”
Finally, to top it off, did you know that the GAO, in fact, works for Congress? The head of GAO, the Comptroller General of the United States, is appointed to a 15-year term by the President from a slate of candidates Congress proposes, so clearly its reports are developed to provide support for agenda-driven “requests” from Senators and members of Congress, including the ones who requested this report. Ergo, it’s not always, or necessarily, the independent watchdog it’s often thought to be.
Gormley Take-Away: Lawmakers grandstanding and the GAO report notwithstanding, dietary supplements are by far much safer than foods and drugs. What happened to the facts?
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Making the “Cut”: What the Latest Recall Tells us … and Doesn’t
So we’ve all read the headlines about the recent recall of a line of 14 dietary supplements due to 23 reports of serious adverse events linked to (but not proved to caused by) the weight-loss and bodybuilding products in question.
The product recall that was requested by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has been applauded by the natural products industry, as it shows how effective are the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) and the AER Law.
If truth be told, the manufacturer should have known better, regardless of where the final toxicology reports or class action lawsuits wind up, since a number of the recalled products were made with a modern version of the dangerous old “ECA stack” formula (ephedra-caffeine-aspirin, or ECA), with each serving containing stimulant herbs, over 400 mg of caffeine plus willow bark extract (natural aspirin).
That being said, the FDA, long believed to be a foe of the dietary supplements industry, is taking advantage of the recall to repeat its oft-voiced complaint that its hands are largely tied because it must rely on voluntary reports and post-market monitoring. “Part of the problem is that the FDA looks at dietary supplements from a post-market perspective and an isolated incident is often difficult to follow,” said the FDA’s Linda Katz, M.D., M.P.H.
Katz and the mainstream media are missing the point.
Dietary supplements, because they are a class of food products, are considered largely safe. Food products, and products derived from foods and plants, are presumed to be benign and have very little, often no known, side effects.
The ingredients in supplements are mainly natural ingredients that have co-evolved with humans from time immemorial and especially since the creation of agriculture 10,000 years ago.
They form what ethnobotanist Dr. Jim Duke refers to as the “Green Pharmacy” of healing and healthful compounds. When not used properly or used by profoundly unhealthy, often heavily medicated consumers looking for a quick fix, they are linked to a few hundred adverse event reports each year.
Drugs are largely synthetic, powerful chemical compounds that are not found in the food supply and which are presumed to be dangerous and often have very serious, known side effects.
Drug chemicals are primarily artificial compounds synthesized to dramatically change, stop, block or boost a system or process in the body in order to improve symptoms. They cause over 100,000 deaths a year and close to 1 million serious adverse events.
“Dietary supplements are not regulated as drugs because they are not drugs,” adds Jeffrey Blumberg, PhD, FACN, director of the Antioxidants Research Laboratory at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, at Tufts University.
According to David Seckman of the Natural Products Association (NPA), “This prompt action shows that the current DSHEA [law] works and that the adverse event reporting (AER) law that we helped to pass is working to enable the agencies to detect signals of any threat to public health. Thus, the industry is more than appropriately regulated and necessary consumer protections are in place.”
“They are regulated in exactly the same manner as all food and beverage products, including review of labeling claims, [post-market] surveillance, adverse event reporting, and so forth” agreed Blumberg. “The research base regarding most essential nutrients is more extensive than that of most drugs.”
Gormley Take-Away: DSHEA and the AER Law work very well. The FDA should cooperate with the responsible core of the natural products industry rather than criticizing the very laws that the American people saw fit to pass and which the FDA is sworn to uphold and enforce. While consumers should not be scared about this rare product recall, some manufacturers (and these few companies know who they are) should take a hard look at their products and their safety and testing data to make sure they are not repeating mistakes of the past relating to formulas and claims, because nobody benefits from inadequate vigilance, the companies included.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
One flu over the cuckoo’s nest? Phony Swine Flu products are dangerous
“These are the times that try men’s souls.”
---“The Crisis” by Thomas Paine, December 23, 1776
As of May 17, 2009, 39 countries had officially reported 8,480 cases of “swine flu” (influenza A (H1N1) infection. Most confirmed cases were identified in Mexico (2,895 cases, 66 deaths) and the U.S. (4,714 cases, 4 deaths). The following states were hardest hit: Illinois (638 cases), Wisconsin (613), Texas (506), California (504), Arizona (435), Washington (246) and New York (242).
Although times of crisis, such as national health emergencies and global pandemics, bring out the best in most Americans, there have unfortunately always been some marketeers and hucksters who take advantage of the panic resulting from these tragic, and trying, times.
The current swine flu epidemic is no exception. On April 27th, 2009, within days of the first confirmed flu cases in the U.S., I received a press release announcing a nano-silver swine flu kit that was already being packed for shipment in “pre-paid overnight FEDEX boxes.”
I also received a “Swine Flu Alert” about a liquid silver supplement that allegedly “destroys MRSA, SARS, malaria, anthrax […] hepatitis C, HIV […] and bird flu.”
A day later, I stumbled upon an article posted on a Bulgarian news agency site with the following lead: “Bulgaria expects a huge increase in orders for two anti-flu dietary supplements in light of the current swine flu epidemic.” One of these products had already been the subject of a new dietary ingredient (NDI) rejection by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in early 2000.
On April 28th, I alerted Gary Coody to these scams; Gary is the national health fraud coordinator in the FDA’s Office of Enforcement. I also reached out to officials from the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
Meanwhile, others in the natural products industry, including leading organizations, were quick to respond to these opportunistic peddlers. Industry responders included the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) and the Natural Products Association (NPA) --- which issued a joint press release, on May 1st, that included the following call-to-action:
“Marketers and retailers of dietary supplements are urged to refuse to stock or sell any supplements that are presented as treating or curing swine flu.”
According to Michael Chappell, FDA’s acting associate commissioner for regulatory affairs, “In conjunction with the [FTC], the FDA has developed an aggressive strategy to identify, investigate and take regulatory or criminal action against individuals or businesses that wrongfully promote purported 2009 H1N1 influenza products in an attempt to take advantage of the current flu public health emergency.”
“Scam artists follow the headlines, trying to make a fast buck with products that play off the news --- and prey on concerned people,” said Eileen Harrington, acting director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. “We’re online and telling e-marketers their sites must comply with the law.”
The FTC has developed a new consumer alert, “Rx for Products That Claim to Prevent H1N1? A Healthy Dose of Skepticism” ( It warns the public to be skeptical of claims that products like pills, air filtration devices and cleaning agents can supposedly kill or eliminate the virus.
This is, of course, not the first time that Internet peddlers have tried to take advantage of consumers during scares and epidemics.
By March 2002, the FTC had sent warning letters to 121 web sites selling products to “protect against, detect or treat illnesses caused by biological or chemical agents, including anthrax.” The products, most of them bogus or ineffective, included herbal remedies, air filters, gas masks and “do-it-yourself kits to test mail for anthrax.”
In 2005, the FDA issued warning letters to nine companies marketing phony avian flu products. The use of these fake products “increases the risk of catching and spreading the flu rather than lessening it because people assume they are protected and safe and they aren’t,” said the acting FDA commissioner on December 13th, 2005.
Gormley Take-Away: We should steer clear of any dietary supplements which claim to prevent, treat or cure swine flu --- and, for that matter, any virus or outbreak of any kind. Legitimate supplements, including herbals, are great for promoting health and helping us cope with the common, everyday nasties that come our way. But let’s leave the gas masks in the fallout shelters, okay?
Saturday, May 23, 2009
How DSHEA Was Really Won
By James J. Gormley
DSHEA, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, is the law which protects our access to dietary supplements and to truthful information about them; it also provides for the quality and safety of supplements.
What led to the passage of this law was a historic grassroots and political battle, a struggle that actually had its roots in the early days of the modern health-food industry.
In 1990, President George H.W. Bush signed into law the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act (NLEA). This legislation was intended to improve nutritional information regarding health claims made for products. The FDA was given the job of implementing the law, but because of its broad wording, the agency began to capitalize on the opportunity to over-regulate safe and beneficial nutritional products.
In 1992, the Health Freedom Act was introduced in the Senate by Sen. Orrin Hatch, along with a similar bill in the House of Representatives, to protect the rights of U.S. citizens to choose safe and effective dietary supplements.
“The basic principle of the Health Freedom Act […] was that supplements aren’t food additives, they aren’t drugs and they need to be defined,” said Loren Israelsen, head of the LDI Group and the United Natural Products Alliance in Salt Lake City in a 2004 interview with Mitchell Clute in Natural Foods Merchandiser (NFM) that ran as a “10 years after DSHEA” anniversary article.
In an April 27th 2009 interview, Israelsen told The Gormley Files that “FDA began using the food additive provisions of the law as a tool to go after dietary supplements FDA did not like. This misuse of the law really ticked off a lot of people (me included).”
“The FDA Commissioner at that time, David Kessler, had commissioned a panel to study the question, ‘What should we do with supplements if we were to start afresh?”, noted Israelsen.
“Initially, FDA refused to make the report public. Ultimately, under pressure they did, and it confirmed our worst fears. Those are a few examples of the long fuse that burned up to 1992 when the first version of DSHEA called ‘The Health Freedom Act’ was introduced.”
The agency took the position that all supplements that did not have what it considered defined nutritional value were unapproved food additives. In this way, said industry attorney Marc Ullman, the FDA was able to keep many herbal supplements from American consumers. The FDA essentially went on an enforcement rampage.
The case that mobilized consumer opinion most against FDA was the Jonathan Wright case. Wright, a physician in Washington state, continued to prescribe L-tryptophan to his patients, knowing that while the U.S. had temporarily issued a ban on its sale as a dietary supplement, it had not explicitly banned its use for medical purposes.
On May 6th 1992, in what is today remembered as the Tahoma Clinic Raid, the FDA stormed Wright’s clinic with armed sheriffs who terrorized patients and seized vitamins, equipment and medical records. “The raid made no sense,” noted Israelsen. “There was no rational explanation. People began to think, ‘Wow, what are they prepared to do to stop us from taking vitamins.’ “
And this legitimate fear began to spread like wildfire across the country.
On the grassroots side, Joe Bassett and the northwest region of the Natural Products Association (or NPA, then NNFA) expanded an early incarnation of Citizens for Health (CFH) in order to mobilize consumers and health-food stores against these threats. Along with Bassett were Jim Golick, Margaret Isely, Bonnie Minsky, Dr. Joan Priestley, Alex Schauss, Craig Winters and others.
The American Botanical Council and the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) were also important forces from the industry side.
Meanwhile, a dramatic public-service ad (PSA) was developed. In the ad, federal agents equipped in full Special Forces gear, including night vision and weapons, converge on Mel Gibson, in this now-famous cameo, who says, in defense as he holds up a supplement bottle: “Hey. Guys. Guys. It’s only vitamins.”
This call-to-action video (which was produced by noted Los Angeles-based producer/director, Back Home Pictures' Charles Abehsera and funded by an industry task force that included Patrick Mooney of California.-based Super Nutrition) warned consumers that the Federal government is “actually considering classifying most vitamins and other supplements as drugs. The FDA has already conducted raids on doctors’ offices and health food stores. Could raids on individuals be next?”
Near the end of the ad, as Mel Gibson’s character is being arrested, he says in desperation: “Vitamin C, you know, like in oranges?” While the video was a dramatization to be sure, it visualized a nightmarish scenario that was truly only one step away from reality at that time.
Another dramatic, and effective tactic used to educate consumers about the threats posed by the FDA’s efforts was the blackout day that was held.
Bill Crawford, today director of retail publishing programs at New Hope Natural Media, was working at a health-food store before DHSEA was passed.
“I vividly recall our putting on a ‘black out’ day. We got black mesh fabric and covered every product that would not be available for sale if DSHEA did not pass. It was nearly our entire supplement section! Products were available for sale but our staff was telling people why we had this restrictive covering […] and signage […] as well. Tables and chairs were set up for any customers who wanted to write a letter to Congress telling them how important access to dietary supplements was to them.”
Meanwhile, industry champions such as Loren Israelsen, Scott Bass (son of the late Milton Bass), Hal Drexler (of Country Life), Jarrow Rogovin (of Jarrow Formulas) and many others, were devoting considerable resources to the battle for DSHEA up to (and past) the 11th hour.
Although the Democrats had a majority in the House and Senate, indicators were that the party was in danger of losing a number of seats in the 1994 election and the Democratic leadership was not eager to look like bad guys to the millions of Americans who supported the Hatch-Harkin-Richardson Bill (DSHEA).
“Then a miracle happened,” Israelsen told NFM. Over the course of several hours, Senators Hatch, Kennedy, Harkin, Waxman and Congressman Dingell were able to hammer out a compromise bill.
“The bill never went through committee and was never voted on, contrary to popular myth,” said Israelsen in NFM. “It went from a zero, a nothing in the House to being a bill flying through by unanimous consent in the middle of the night. I think the FDA thought this bill would never pass and when it did they couldn’t believe it.”
“DSHEA was crafted in a very specific way to keep supplements within the confines of current food law and statutory interpretation,” Israelsen told The Gormley Files.
“There were a number of reasons this was done. We could have opted to make dietary supplements a separate category from foods and drugs. However, this would have left us with essentially no ‘software or hardware’ to deal with lots of issues for which we needed some framework and existing law.”
Although the story of how DSHEA was truly won is sometimes not told accurately, however, “Those who made a difference know what contributions they made,” noted Alex Schauss.
“They will always find satisfaction in having made a difference that influenced the course of history. Everyone made a difference. That’s the real story that hasn’t been told.”
Friday, February 20, 2009
The FDA: A Dose of Reality
At the end of 2007, the U.S. dietary supplement industry recorded sales of $23.7 billion, according to Nutrition Business Journal. With roughly 33,000 dietary supplements on the U.S. market, it’s no surprise that with today’s nutritionally bankrupt diet there were 192 million Americans using supplements in 2007, a number that is expected to keep growing.
In addition to wanting to provide a basic nutritional “insurance policy” offered by a multivitamin, people take nutritional supplements for a variety of health-promoting reasons. In a 2000 survey conducted by Yankelovich Partners and commissioned by the Natural Products Association (NPA), seven out of 10 Americans take supplements because they make them feel better.
With the December 22nd, 2006, enactment of the Dietary Supplement and Nonprescription Drug Consumer Protection Act (often called the Serious Adverse Event Reporting [SAER] Law) and the August 24, 2007 implementation of the final rule on Current Good Manufacturing Practices (often called the cGMPs of federal GMPs, 21 CFR Part 111) --- along with complementary and innovative industry self-regulatory programs --- consumers have arguably never been better protected.
Not so, says a new report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), entitled Dietary Supplements: FDA Should Take Further Actions to Improve Oversight and Consumer Understanding.
Broadly, the GAO report recommends (emphasis mine): “…that the Secretary of Health and Human Services direct the Commissioner of the FDA to request additional authority to oversee dietary supplements, issue guidance on new dietary ingredients and to clarify the boundary between dietary supplements and foods with added dietary ingredients, and take steps to improve consumer understanding of dietary supplements.”
“I am troubled that the FDA lacks the basic information necessary to protect consumers from unsafe dietary supplements […] The FDA clearly needs more resources to give consumers real protection,” announced Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-CA) upon release of the report.
His colleague, Rep. John D. Dingell (D-MI), added: “FDA needs the resources and adequate authorities [sic] so the agency can start addressing this problem.”
Among many recommendations, the GAO notably recommends that the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) “direct[s] the [FDA] Commissioner” to require dietary supplement companies to “report all adverse events related to dietary supplements.” Aside from the fact that the number of adverse events directly attributed to dietary supplements would be trivial, in general, especially when compared to prescription and non-prescription drugs, the SAER Law already well protects consumers.
On top of this, the FDA doesn’t even think this makes sense. In its response to the report, the FDA wrote: “[…] it is not clear that all the information would actually enhance product safety.”
What I would argue is that why should America give more power and more money to an agency that is ill-equipped to handle, and undeserving of, either?
Here is a brief snapshot of an agency that is in chaos, completely mismanaged and rife with corruption:
• On September 20th, 2006, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA)’s “oversight of the drug-safety agency” “exposed a “too-cozy relationship with the pharmaceutical drug industry and an agency culture that has sought to suppress concerns of agency scientists about drug safety reforms.” Grassley’s demand to the FDA pointed to violations of the public trust, including: “FDA’s suppression of scientific dissent and pressure to alter or exclude [negative] information” relating to drug approvals.
• On October 17th, 2006, the U.S. federal court (Case Number 06-438M) charged a now former FDA commissioner with conflict of interest and related offenses relating to undisclosed pharma connections.
• In November 2007, the Subcommittee on Science and Technology issued a damning report on the FDA entitled FDA Science and Mission at Risk. The report concluded, in part:
a. FDA’s evaluation methods have remained largely unchanged for the last half century.
b. FDA’s scientific workforce does not have sufficient capacity or capability.
c. The FDA has demonstrated a consistent inability to implement needed changes.
d. The recommendations of reviews of the FDA are seldom followed.
• Congressman Dingell --- a leading voice now demanding more resources for FDA --- back on November 17th, 2008, charged the agency with “mismanagement of agency resources” and launched an investigation into the “integrity of the Food and Drug Administration.”
• According to the non-profit group, the Project on Government Oversight (POGO) on February 18th, 2009, “Since 2006, the FDA is not ensuring that medical devices such as defibrillators, pacemakers, replacement heart valves and coronary stents are being tested according to good laboratory practices (GLPs).”
Fortunately, a number of far-sighted consumer organizations want to improve the FDA from its foundations, such as the American Association for Health Freedom, which is leading a campaign to reform the troubled agency.
Gormley Take-Away: Despite the grandstanding consumer-safety posturing from certain lawmakers suggesting that consumers are not protected from supplements, what we all desperately need protecting from is the FDA, itself, which, in its current state, is powerful, unresponsive, political, inept and corrupt. Should we perhaps establish an agency to shield us from the FDA? Better yet, let’s completely reform the agency from the bottom up, but let’s not give more power to an agency that already has more than it deserves to wield or give more resources to FDA until it proves it has (1) eliminated corruption and (2) knows how to better manage the resources (and authority) it already has.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
What if there were no law protecting our supplements?
Before DSHEA
This call-to-action video (which was produced by noted Los Angeles-based producer/director, Charles Abehsera) warned consumers that the Federal government is “actually considering classifying most vitamins and other supplements as drugs. The FDA has already conducted raids on doctors’ offices and health food stores. Could raids on individuals be next?”
Near the end of the ad, as Mel Gibson’s character is being arrested, he says in desperation: “Vitamin C, you know, like in oranges?”
While the video was a dramatization to be sure, it visualized a dystopian U.S. society that was truly only one step away from reality at that time.
This ad, together with many other coordinated grassroots efforts, created a groundswell of support for what would become the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, or DSHEA, the law that today protects our access to dietary supplements and to information about these products.
In the 1990s, however, the marketplace and the regulatory landscapes were quite different from today’s. In some ways, the enforcement climate had reverted to that of the days before the Proxmire Vitamin Bill (The Food Supplement Amendment of 1973).
The FDA: an agency on the warpath
Raids, perhaps not as dramatic as the one with Mel Gibson but scary nonetheless, were not uncommon occurrences before DSHEA.
“Although FDA [the U.S. Food and Drug Administration] had been carrying out raids against health-food stores and alternative medicine clinics around the country to harass the supplement industry, when the Health Freedom Act of 1992 was introduced---which became DSHEA---ethical supplement companies knew that there was an uneven playing field on which unethical companies were selling products that did not meet label claims for content or purity and who were making untruthful and misleading health claims for their products,” said Alex Schauss, Ph.D., managing director of AIBMR Life Sciences.
In the 1990s, Bill Crawford, today director of retail publishing programs at New Hope Natural Media, was working at a health-food store. He described the countrywide “black out” day this way: “I
How, then, did we go from our victory in the mid-1970s with the Vitamin Bill to the anti-supplement climate of the 1990s?
Annette Dickinson, Ph.D., a noted supplement industry expert, told it to me this way: “In the early 1990s, FDA, under then-commissioner David Kessler, was on a path toward restricting the availability of dietary supplements.
“In 1993, FDA published a [notice] outlining concepts put forward by the famous ‘Dykstra committee’ suggesting that limits should be placed on vitamins and minerals (perhaps at a few multiples of the RDA), that amino acids were unapproved food additives when used in supplements, and that botanicals […] were inherently […] drug-like and possibly unsafe.”
Mark Blumenthal, the head of the American Botanical Council
agreed: “The Dykstra Report was one of the primary motivators for industry groups that [propelled] industry […] to propose and support Sen. Orrin Hatch’s Health Freedom Act in 1992 which, the next year, was revised and introduced into the Senate as DSHEA.”
Health-freedom advocate and commentator, Elissa Meininger, said that, “Among the events that led up to the passage of DSHEA was the publication of the
FDA’s Task Force Report on Dietary Supplements. In it, there was a statement that I saw as a smoking gun. It stated that the presence of dietary supplements on the market represented a ‘disincentive’ (the FDA’s word) for patented drug research.”
A world without DSHEA
“Without DSHEA,” said Scott Tips, attorney and National Health
In many ways, our country would be similar to Europe minus the natural medicine tradition. I have heard from a number of health-freedom advocates across the Atlantic who have to shop in pharmacies for their supplements, supplements for which they often require prescriptions. High-potency (read: American) supplements are hidden behind the counter and are sold to people only upon request, and on the “QT” at that. Sounds like a black market, doesn’t it?
“Because the American people will not be swayed from their supplements, it is likely that a black market of supplements would have [arisen],” observed Beth Clay, senior vice president at Capitol Strategy Consultants. That’s what it would be like here, in the U.S., without DSHEA. But this black market would come at a price – without the controls such as Good Manufacturing Practices, FDA guidance on labeling and structure function claims, FTC guidance on truth in advertising, and Adverse Event reporting procedures. This would make for a return to the “snake oil” days of the early part of the century.
Now we have had a glimpse of what our country, and our dietary supplement choices, would look like without DSHEA. In what ways is DSHEA better?
“I think one of the biggest differences from the pre-DSHEA time period is that DSHEA really helped ‘legitimize’ the dietary supplement industry in the minds of many consumers, as it set down specific rules and regulations that manufacturers had to follow in order to be in compliance with DSHEA, such as labeling standards,” noted Daniel McSweeney, owner and president of Vitamin Retailer Magazine Inc.
Gormley Take-Away: So although we must feel fortunate that DSHEA exists, we must remember that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance. In recent years, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has picked up where the FDA left off and, by its numerous enforcement actions, “threatens to diminish the industry’s inventiveness for new products that could benefit and support consumer health,” warned Schauss.